Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sluggish Video Marketing Conversion Has a Solution

What quantity of cash did you expend on your most current home page video? How long did it take to create? If you look at the total time and energy you put into making your video (from the original scripting appointments to the closing alterations), videos can a be very resource draining undertaking. And if after all the difficult work - it's still not converting readers for you - well then that's a difficult let-down!

In today's article, we are going to look at five main reasons why your video is not turning visitors and exactly how you can easily make it better.

1: Your landing screen is terrible

You have made what you believe to be a fantastic video, however, you have neglected to market that to your target audience. The first thing your visitor sees, even prior to the video, is the static screen. Your static screen doesn't look interesting, so they think your video very likely is boring as well.

What sort of static screen should you make use of? A static screen needs to be fascinating, and it should generate attention. If you have reached both, your audiences are going to want to click on the play button.

So what makes a great static screen? A splash screen that does bring about fascination from your audience. How can you do this with one image? Try to ask a question that is highly relevant to your audience's demands.

Precisely what are various other features that make for an outstanding splash screen?

A screen shot of the video clip. Not at any haphazard time in the video, but just before something is going to transpire. This is where you develop a "hook" so your target audience is curious for additional information. Scenario: Man or woman just about to jump from a plane.

For your tagline. Stick to just one sentence. Say something which will make people snicker or ask "Why?" or "What?"

2: You are lacking a play button.

The play button will probably be among the most powerful Calls-to-Action within your video. With no written content, you are suggesting to your viewers just what you'd like them to carry out. Thankfully, the play button just isn't culturally or nationally based, and for that reason, you will not be missing out on possible browsers.

3: Your content is out dated and will no longer address a difficulty

Your static screen looks wonderful plus you've got a very visible play button, so why isn't your video moving visitors into customers? The answer may be your content. Inquire of yourself: Does my strategy clear up a present problem?

Think of when RIM made a decision to launch The Playbook several months after the iPad came out? They overlooked their opportunity, and their marketing was unsuccessful. As a result, they lost many their customers to Apple, who filled the demand the moment need had been alive.

If you are worried your subject theme is out-of-date, consider what the competitors are doing along with what they have done as it pertains to the remedy you are providing. Talking about an old challenge with the latest solution is the best way to grab buyer awareness. However, ensure that you stay away from re-gifting an answer.

4: Your Call-to-Action is fruitless - or you are not utilizing it!

One of the advantages of video is that you can speak with people by tapping into a pair of of their sensory faculties: eyesight and auditory. So you may possibly be thinking, why didn't anyone check out my squeeze page when I asked them to? Regrettably, many people will not do something unless of course it is laid out in front of their eyes. They'll be much less likely to go out of their way if it is to spend their own money.

You have to add a written Call-to-Action in your video clip that emphasizes point(s) in the video and supplies an immediate hyperlink to the next phase in the buying cycle (i.e., landing page).

5: It is impossible to go to your video! (Placement on the page)

Perhaps you have reviewed your website's analytics lately? Do you know where people proceed when they are on your main page? Your analytics are able to inform you where any visitors are going to, and whether they are getting under the next fold of your site. For example, if 18% of all folks that see your home page go beneath the first fold, but you have inserted your video towards the bottom of the page, only those 18% will discover that there is a video on the site. Remember, this is exactly the same video you are using to transform people to buyers. So you cannot be alarmed when you recognize that the video is not converting. Alternatively, put your video right in front of your visitors in order to start seeing conversions.

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Industrial Videos

I have seen it reported that in the industrial B2B marketplace videos are the most actively sought but the least actively posted of all material on the internet - this gap alone presents a massive opportunity. I have also observed that industrial videos are becoming much more common and that they draw large audiences. For example one may easily get 500 to 1000 views per year for such a video - could you ever imagine getting that many people to watch a video or engage with a sales person on an exhibition stand? And yet on the net it is free!

So clearly industrial videos are becoming more popular on the internet - plus they are cheap - you can create one yourself or get a marketing company to do it for you at very reasonable cost - just so long as you bear in mind that it does not need to be a cinematic master work. The internet is very accommodating of picture quality and you can present well with a domestic camera - even a super compact with video capability is often perfectly adequate.

Things have changed in this area quite recently and it may be that some video hosting sites are more appropriate for you than others - do some research. YouTube is very useful - we normally set up a channel for each client and stream from it. This will allow you to add video to your website and blog by streaming from the host site.

How long should your video be? Personally I think as short as you can manage - it is there to grab attention and pass on a limited amount of information - but information of a type that text is very bad at conveying. A picture is definitely worth a thousand words so a 5 second clip may be enough - but take what you need to tell the story.

Possible subjects and styles will vary to personal taste and corporate approach but will probably include the following:

- simple passive product demo, e.g. a hand rotating the item for a full 3D view

- active product demo

- personal presentation

- installation demo

- animated graphic presentation of action not visible in a video

- seminar presentation

- slide show format to get across a simple message in text

- use subtitles and /or voice plus music

Do not forget for SEO purposes you should ensure that your video has a suitable text description with the right keywords and a link to your site - people will need to find you if they like the video!

If you do not produce all the material in house then do be aware of possible copyright issues and if you do not own the copyright then please ensure you have the copyright owner's permission to use the material so as to avert difficult and possibly costly problems later.

Companies can generally source video clips from:

- internally e.g. sales, engineering, design, installation, commissioning/maintenance,

- head office - subsidiaries can benefit from corporate budgets and expertise to promote locally.

- Suppliers - are often only too glad to increase their own profile with their videos on your channel.

- Customers - may well be keen to show off their products - made possible with your contribution - and so happily co-operate in your video.

Finally do not forget to top-and-tail with your corporate intro and sign off - at its most basic simply a logo intro and a web address sign off.

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Creating Closed Captions and Subtitles for YouTube Videos

Once you have fully developed your YouTube channel and your series of web videos, it is time to take things to the next step. By having your videos on more than one platform and having your own YouTube channel, your company is already generating traffic and views. It also has a leg up on the competition. But, if you want to increase search engine optimization and user engagement, incorporate closed captions and subtitles to your YouTube videos. The process of doing so is not rocket science. You have to upload the content and take all of the necessary steps, but after that is completed the captions are fulfilled. Go the extra mile and add some text to your videos to drive your company's success.

The first task is to create a transcript. It is very simple and easy to accomplish. Considering YouTube accepts plain text transcripts, it is necessary to establish a script of any video of your choice. Choose a video from your channel and start writing the transcript. Follow all of the guidelines that YouTube provides to create a transcript that fits your needs and YouTube's. Hit every mark so that there will not be any mistakes or confusion when the process is completed. Once the transcript is uploaded completely, test out the various programs that assist with the developing of captions and subtitles. Choose one that best suites you and your needs for this aspect. Follow through with all of the guidelines and do what is necessary to complete this task.

The next step is to save your transcript. The transcript needs to be saved as a plain text file in order for it to be uploaded and reconfigured by YouTube. This portion is extremely important for the process to be fulfilled. It absolutely has to be in a plain text format or else the placement and captions will not appear as you would want them. The caption will be out of place, unprofessional, and annoying rather than being useful. Be aware that you do have the ability to change or edit the original transcript after it has been uploaded and saved to the platform. Whatever changes need to be made after it has been viewed can be fulfilled in order for the material to be read better on screen.

Finally, upload the transcript to YouTube. Go through the motions of uploading the content on the channel once all of the tasks have been completed. Double and triple check that all of the content has been saved and is ready to be submitted. Try to avoid mistakes and confusion at all costs. Once everything is submitted and live, review the transcript on your video and see how well everything flows. It is up to you to decide whether or not the captions or subtitles are sufficient and necessary for your video. Test out this format on one or two web videos and decide whether or not it is worthy. Once you have executed this format well and know how to proceed, apply captions and subtitles to your other videos if needed.

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Popular Video SEO Tactics

If you are not already using video content as an attractive strategy to reel in viewers and foot traffic, then you should be. The boom of the internet video wave has not died yet and it's high time you take advantage of it. SO the question remains, how DO you take advantage of the current marketing wave? Well with the right video production, proper placement, and creative SEO, you'll be on your way up the rankings and getting your site noticed.

It is believed in many SEO circles that it is easier to get ranked via video posting than it is to use regular content. This belief may be stemmed by the idea that video content in itself is more appealing to a currently bourgeoning social market that relies heavily on video clips for entertainment, education, and personal expression. It is because of this book in video watching and recording that basically states, "If you're not using video, you're behind the times".

If you are going to use YouTube to host your videos, then there are a few things that you want to consider. First is this; even if you have worries about what people may say, allowing comments on your video channel can actually be a good thing. Those comments can create what is called trending. And if the video becomes highly popular, it may be these comments that help your site or business pick up speed. If you don't feel entirely comfortable on allowing comments then you can also choose to allow only approved comments of which you can monitor yourself.

Adversely, YouTube may not be your cup of tea. If you are trying to get hits on your site then it would be in your best interest to host your video on your site itself. This way any hits on the SERP's (Search Engine Optimization Pages) will lead to your page. Either way, they key to making this whole strategy successful is to have a properly recorded, edited, and commented video make for you to help promote you or your business. A highly skilled video production and SEO team is your best bet to achieve that goal.

Just like with written and image content, doing the proper research on keywords is a needed step. You have to cover the very vague to the very specific and if you're a local SEO target, make sure to use regional references. Adding comments and location tags for your video helps to. If people come across your site in a local search and see that your video is local too, you'll only be helping your chances for their returned visit. There are a number of tools out there to help you, some of which are confusing and take time to master. Don't be afraid to consult a seasoned friend or professional expert to help you get your videos to the top ranking.

Brought to you by your SEO Experts, Expert Internet Marketing Services Paving the way in Web Design, SEO, Facebook & YouTube Optimization, & Total Site Development

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Adding Animation to Web Videos

Depending on the audience, use animation to enhance your web video and to accent the content within the video. Animation adds an entertaining factor to the video and helps the audience better understand what is going on. It complements the audio in the video. But, the right amount of animation needs to be taken into consideration as well as the amount of creativity. First and foremost, consider the audience that this is targeted for. Do not use animation for a more serious and focused audience that is mainly concerned with the content that is being provided. The video needs to be worthwhile, but catered to the audience at hand.

When using animation in a web video, it is crucial to stay on task and not to get sidetracked. The message of the video needs to be realized and implemented for the taking. Do not blatantly state the message of the video, but make sure that it can be picked up by the audience. Without a clear, concise message the video will not be useful to your company and will not be taken seriously. The animation should add to the message and better shape the whole video. Be selective in how the message is going to be portrayed and how animation will assist the portrayal.

Keep the creativity to a minimum when using animation in your web video. The video should not be as if Pixar created it. Too much creativity and movement will distract the audience rather than draw them in further which will cause them to lose all interest in the content. Do not overload the brain by using loud colors and wildly moving figures. Apply stick figures and the most basic outlines and forms to set up your video and state your message. Complex scenes and backgrounds should be avoided in this realm. Employing the basic outlines of animation will still keep the video professional and the audience can still take the video seriously. Too much animation in the video will be seen as more of a show than a business video. Keep it light, basic, and to the point. Enhance your videos through best web video production company.

Making a connection with your audience is key for success. Apply relatable and current terms, phrases, sayings, or anything that the audience will pick up and understand. Connecting the information with a reference to something in pop culture or a life event will really help the audience see what is being said and it will resonate with them. They will be able to reference the material after watching the video and recall the message. Be upfront with the animators in how you want the video to be perceived and what your ultimate goal is with using animation. All of these elements need to be discussed beforehand to avoid any potential issues that may arise. Making animation changes later on will cost more time and money that could be used elsewhere. Confirm your vision and execute the plan to ensure the best web video.

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Saving Your Company Money With Video

All companies are constantly looking for ways to save money, but how does a company save money when you're already on a shoe-string budget? Sometimes all it takes is a good video to streamline processes and cut operating costs. With the advent of social media and viral marketing, a professionally composed video can draw in more customers and save the company valuable dollars in the mean time.

How Videos Help Save Money

There are many ways a professional video can save your company money. Savvy business owners are aware of the cost effectiveness of videos. Companies use videos to promote themselves, gain new customers and train their employees.

Draw Customers via Videos

Social media has moved beyond just a simple status and tweet update. Customers are becoming increasingly tech savvy and demand quicker, more engaging advertising to convince them to investigate new products. Videos are a great way to drive traffic to you and your website. Short, professionally made videos can become viral with the right marketing, and drive traffic. More traffic often means more conversions.

Videos are a great way to catch customers quickly. In today's fast paced life, many customers simply don't have the patience to read through emails or mail advertising, nor do status and tweet updates always catch them. Videos give a plethora of information in a quick burst and pique curiosity.

Employee Training

Training videos can be a valuable tool in maximizing employee productivity. Videos provide an engaging visual image of what the business represents, the company's policies and procedures and gives the employee a better sense of the overall picture. Well-educated employees mean greater productivity and fewer chances for accidents or other liabilities in the long run. If employees are properly trained when they are first employed, it is less likely that there will be a need for re-training. Also, employees that are satisfied with their position, which appropriate training can promote, will remain with a company longer than improperly trained employees.

Professionally produced and edited videos can be maintained for longer periods of time. Often print advertising and hard copies of training manuals can cost companies a fortune in reprinting over time. A training or advertising video can be maintained for a longer period of time, without any additional cost once purchased. A professionally produced video will ensure your message is received by your target audience and in the end, save your company precious time and money.

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